Thursday, August 10, 2006

Over Regulation gone mad

Panel forces Lion to sober up Tooheys spot - Business - Business -

LION Nathan has been forced to make "extensive and expensive" amendments to its big budget Tooheys New advertising campaign after it fell foul of alcohol advertising codes.


Lion was unlucky with the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code, in spite of the ads being approved    at a pre-vetting stage. The panel was forced to consider the ad after just two complaints from consumers.

Two complaints. TWO COMPLAINTS. FFS what is the country coming to. A coupld of old biddys not getting the context of the ad, complaining. Complaining; fine. Complaining and making them change the ad is just a joke.

Lion was unlucky with the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code, in spite of the ads being approved at a pre-vetting stage. The panel was forced to consider the ad after just two complaints from consumers.

It is an ad. A commercial. Hell if all commericals had to be a reflection on reality, tv would be boring as batshit.

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