Rumour yes. Probable ? ; highly likely.MacBook Touch Hitting Streets In October? - Geekologie
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Random observations; ramblings and rants on IT & computers, rugby and of course brewing beer..
Rumour yes. Probable ? ; highly likely.MacBook Touch Hitting Streets In October? - Geekologie
Two words. YES PLEASE.BMW Gina: shape-shifting sports car revealed -
But can I have it in Black ??
Just what I need. I've been having difficulty finding the time to keep up with the morning news :-)DVICE: RSStroom Reader shows where you think blogs belong
Just when I thought potato chips couldn't get any cooler after finding out about Beer Chedar chips, along comes caffeine laced chips.Engobi : Energy Go Bites :: Cinnamon Surge
Image: Laptop Bag - High Voltage
Fueled by Beer, 101 Year Old Man Runs Marathon | blogaboutbeer.comBuster Martin completed the London Marathon this past weekend in just about ten hours. The 101 year old man set a new record for the oldest person to ever complete the marathon. So, what did he do to celebrate? Have a beer, of course. While it would be logical to assume that, since Martin appears in such great health, he must be a health nut but the truth is actually quite the opposite.Buster Martin smokes more than a dozen cigarettes and drinks an average of 7-8 full pints of beer — usually at least one during a break in the middle of his daily run — every day. It truly boggles the mind.
The Sydney Morning Herald published a story in its Good Living magazine about a whale meat restaurant opening in The Rocks.[3]April 1, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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5. Nelson - the hop growing region of New Zealand has a growing number of small breweries, Founders, Lighthouse, Tasman, Bays, Townsend and special mention to The Mussel Inn, not quite Nelson but worth the effort. The greatest thing about the Nelson region are the guys that run Dead Good Beer Events and regularly put on beer - Top 6
Men Behaving Badly star to launch own brand of beerNews: Men Behaving Badly star to launch own brand of beer - Marketing Week
Actor Neil Morrissey is launching his own brand of beer as part of a new Channel 4 series. The show will see him set up a microbrewery as he searches for the perfect pint.The actor is working with friend Richard Fox and advertising and brand agency Antidote to launch the brand. It is understood the agency has been approached to develop the branding and positioning of the beer but has also been offered a stake in the brewery.The three-part series, called Neil Morrissey’s Perfect Pint, has been commissioned by Jamie Oliver’s production company Fresh One and talkbackThames.
A conceptual E-Paper Slap Bracelet. It's an MP4 player in which the entire surface acts as a thin, high contrast and energy efficient screen. As an added bonus it needs no charging -- it's powered by the kinetic energy produced by moving your arm.E-Paper Slap Bracelet: Not As Dangerous As Its Predecessor, Which Was Really Dangerous - Geekologie
Slick, very slick.
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