Monday, February 12, 2007

Cattle fed on 40 pints a day

I've always like the idea of having my own brewery, as well as a small farm to compliment it and to have somewhere for some of the by products of the brewing process (spend grain etc), but I guess if there was ever a bad batch of beer that needed to be dumped, feeding it to the cows would be a great idea too :P

Kobe Beef from beer fed cows.
A Cornish farmer is believed to be the first in the county to experiment with breeding cattle on beer.The Limousin herd at Woodland Farm in Fentonadle get through up to 40 pints of local brew a day as part of their enviable diet.And they even get a massage to help produce the speciality Kobe-style beef, based on traditional Japanese production methods.

BBC NEWS | England | Cornwall | Cattle on 40 pints a day of beer

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